Wednesday, November 11, 2009

“Through these I learned”

Learning is a life-long process of gaining knowledge and skills. Each day we have been learned a lot from our experiences.
As the days pass by, I didn’t notice that it was almost the end of the second quarter. In our T.L.E. IV I have learned a lot such as, HTML, Tags and other things we see at the web page. I have learned a lot not only in T.L.E. IV but also in my everyday life. First, I learned how to play the scrabble. Before, I do not know how to play this game. Scrabble was added to the intramural games so my classmate brought their scrabble and plays it in our classroom. Luckily, I’m the one who competed during our intramural meet. Second, I learned to control myself from being a computer addict, because before my day wasn’t completed if I didn’t sat down with my computer. But now I moderately used my computer and I only used when it is needed. Last, I learned how to spend my money wisely. I have also encountered some difficult problems but I addressed those by studying hard, listening pieces of advised from my friends family and praying to God.
Problems are not hindrance to our success so we must strive hard. We must learn from our mistakes so that it will make us a better and stronger person.